Category: Finance

  • Barclays


    Barclays British multinational universal bank, headquartered in London. Why boycott? Barclays invests in companies selling arms and military equipment to Israel that have been used in the oppression of Palestinians. How to boycott: Alternatives:

  • AXA


    AXA AXA is a French multinational insurance firm. Why boycott? AXA continues to invest in Israeli banks which are complicit in Israels occupation and apartheid in Palestine. How to boycott: Alternatives:

  • Tesco


    Tesco British multinational groceries and general merchandise retailer Why boycott? Tesco is partnering with an Israeli start-up, Trigo Retail, to deliver till-less stores with several already open in London. Michael Gabay, the CEO of Trigo is a staunch zionist. How to boycott: Alternatives: